DRG III E-Book Now Available

David R. George III’s novelette “The Dark Arts Come to Hebron” first appeared in the anthology Apollo’s Daughters. The story is now available as an e-book single for just $0.99. Give it a read.

Here is the description: In a small town in the Massachusetts Bay colony, Agathie Swaddock takes matters into her own hands when violence threatens to erupt with a neighboring town.

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Podcast: Literary Treks—Video Game Save Point

On Trek FM

On Trek FM

Literary Treks podcast hosts Dan Gunther and Bruce Gibson are joined by author David R. George III to talk about his latest Deep Space Nine novel, Original Sin. They discuss two stories told in tandem, the character of Jasmine Tey, crime drama as Star Trek story, the nature of Rebecca Sisko, a completely alien encounter, and the possibility of an ongoing Gamma series.

DRG III E-Book Now Available

David R. George III’s novelette “The Instruments of Vice” first appeared in the anthology ReDeus: Native Lands. It is now available as a single e-book for just $0.99. Give it a read.

Here is the description: Twenty years after the pantheons of gods returned to Earth at the 2012 Olympic Games in London, life has changed in different ways all over the planet. In South Dakota, a citizen finds the mutilated body of a man whose livelihood was taken away two decades earlier by the Lakota spider-god, Iktomi. Police want to find out who killed the man, but the motive behind the killing turns out to be more important.

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