DRG III at Dragon Con 2019

David R. George III will be appearing on Labor Day weekend at Dragon Con, a multimedia popular-culture convention that focuses on science fiction, fantasy, gaming, and comics. Held in Atlanta, Georgia, the four-day con commences with registration on Thursday, 29 August, opens on Friday, 30 August, and runs through Monday, 2 September. Featured guests include Star Trek actors William Shatner (who portrayed James T. Kirk) and George Takei (Hikaru Sulu), as well as Discovery performers Emily Coutts (Keyla Detmer), Shazad Latif (Ash Tyler/Voq), Anson Mount (Christopher Pike), and Ethan Peck (Spock).

See the Events page for David’s schedule, which includes an autograph session, a reading, and a pair of discussion panels.

Podcast: Literary Treks—There's a Line We Can't Cross

For almost the entire history of Star Trek, novels have played a part in many people's experience of the fandom. They are a way to go beyond what we see on the screen, and Star Trek fiction novels now account for scores more adventures than the television shows and films. But how does a Star Trek novel come to be, and what goes into the writing of a Star Trek adventure in book form?

In this episode of Literary Treks, hosts Dan Gunther and Bruce Gibson are joined by veteran Star Trek authors Dayton Ward and David R. George III to discuss how to write Star Trek novels. We talk about how they got their start in writing, the process of how a Trek novel is published, how writing tie-in fiction differs from writing original fiction, how they approach writing the established characters, working with CBS licensing, and what is required for someone to become a Star Trek author. We wrap up by talking about what projects they currently have on the go, and where they can be found online.

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Podcast: Enterprising Individuals—“All Good Things...” with David R. George III

Farpoint is CANCELLED because we’re being tested by “All Good Things…”!

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author David R. George III is back on the show this week for a look at the finale of Star Trek: The Next Generation, a tour de force, feature-length episode that celebrates the genius and success of the series it concludes. Captain Picard is mysteriously travelling through the past, present, and future, taking him from the Enterprise-D’s very first mission to the seeming last days of his life. But when Q appears to deliver the Continuum’s final, damning verdict for humanity, the Enterprises of three eras must cooperate to save the galaxy and the future of humanity among the stars!

Any show that experienced the kind of extended creative and critical success that Next Generation did could be forgiven for limping across the finish line or seeing its inspiration run dry. However, the Hugo Award-winning “All Good Things…” stands as one of the series’s finest entries, putting the capstone on a show that had not only brought Trek back to life, but one that had also set the standard for sci-fi shows to come. During our discussion, we talk about the evolution of the series over its seven seasons, the perfect distillation of a TNG episode, keeping time travel fresh, the real-life power of John de Lancie, the true nature of the Q Continuum, and the pressures of filming a double-sized episode while you’re making a movie.

We also talk about the source of Q’s name, never working with omnipotent children or computers, dropping the show’s name in the episode, the way that rules enable jeopardy, Q as evil Doctor Who, only Americans passing God’s tests, whether Q is an angel or a devil, the Yar that could have been, Dave praises the good parts of “Turnabout Intruder,” and Aaron’s still hung up on them god-like aliens!

No crying at the poker table!

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Podcast: Craft Disservices—Alien with David R. George III

On Craft Disservices

Craft Disservices presents a film whose merits were evident on its release, but the movie industry had to catch up before it was heralded as a classic. Just in time for Halloween, it’s 1979’s Alien!

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author and film critic David R. George III visits the show to talk about a film that’s more than a monster movie and more than a “haunted house in space.” When the menial crew of the mining ship Nostromo stop to investigate a strange signal on company orders, they discover a life-form that lacks eyes, weaknesses, or mercy. Now they must scour their ship for their deadly passenger, as it hunts them in return with the patience of the grave.

It’s nearly unthinkable now, but critics really were divided upon Alien’s release, and on the program, they discuss the cultural environment the film was released into, as well as address some critical specific responses. They also talk about the film’s genesis from the death of Jodorowsky’s Dune, the path it took from script to screen, the triumph of its casting, the verisimilitude of its fantastic setting, the impossible evolution of the creature, and the monumental talent of the man who designed it.

Plus they talk about the sensibility and necessity of a Veronica Cartwright, the vision and execution of Ridley Scott in creating atmosphere, talk about “that” scene, debate whether Ripley is a “Final Girl,” ask whether Dallas is amazingly brave or amazingly foolish, and wonder if God is evil in this universe. DRG III shares his taste in baseball films, and they go HAM on a hypothetical Movie Vault podcast!

The eight passenger is DEATH!

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DRG III at Dragon Con 2018

David R. George III will be appearing on Labor Day weekend at Dragon Con, a multimedia popular-culture convention that focuses on science fiction, fantasy, gaming, and comics. Held in Atlanta, Georgia, the four-day con commences with registration on Thursday, 30 August, opens on Friday, 31 August, and runs through Monday through Monday, 3 September. Featured guests include Star Trek actors Garrett Wang, best known for his role as Harry Kim in Voyager, and John de Lancie, who appeared a dozen times as Q in three different Trek series: in eight episodes of The Next Generation, one of Deep Space Nine, and three of Voyager. The schedule has yet to be finalized, so it is unclear in what panels or other events DRG III will participate.

See the Events page for David’s schedule, which includes an autograph session, a reading, and a solo panel in which he discusses his writing for Star Trek.